Stickers for Solar Power!

After daily struggles with generators, inverters, batteries, and our electricity not lasting throughout the school day, we have decided to take advantage of our nearly always hot & sunny days and switch to solar power! We use electricity to run our fridge (keeping our weekly market purchases fresh and safe from critters), lights, and fans. We are so excited about moving to a more sustainable and reliable form of energy!

The cost to purchase all the materials & to install will be $3,500. Help us to cover that cost and in return, we would love to send you a sticker! Just indicate what sticker(s) you would like and we will mail your way! 

Sticker Choices:

A. Pink Mèsi Bondye Mèsi (thank you God thank you)

B. Teal Bondye Bon (God is good)

C. White Reveye logo 

D. Black Mèsi Bondye Mèsi 

Thank you to Lexy Popa for taking these photos for us!